All Things Self-Help and Self-Education enable some fantastic information sharing that can have a significant impact. both for you and other people. You should definitely learn more about this. You will want to impart this powerful knowledge to others as well because of its rarity.
Brainfood Academy: Offers “Direct To Your Home Education” for students in grades K through 12. And with the assurance that adult education will be included as this amazing platform of the future expands. This is the educational platform that the needs of the future require. Put an end to brainwashing and bad decisions made in public education. Teachers with expertise can instruct students worldwide. All while enjoying the freedom to be anywhere at any time. The curriculum is amazing. Additionally, kindergarten is free. Create an Account Here to See What Education Looks Like in the Future:
EMF Protection: These Electromagnetic Fields Are Present Throughout. And they are constantly growing in all directions. The more cellular services, tower strength, smart meters, and wifi are increased. The electric motors found in cars and trucks, along with our constantly expanding usage of computers, smartphones, and other electronic devices. We are disintegrating due to these frequencies’ effects. This is the solution that we, along with everyone we know, require. View the specifics and the locations of the solutions here:
Is College Worth It? More and more evidence points to college being a waste of time, money, and energy. It also causes enormous debt and has a negative financial impact on people’s lives. It will take several generations to pay back some. Compared to so-called “Higher Education,” self-help and self-education have produced far greater success. See and hear some facts here, and see a better alternative to college for you and your kids.
All Things Self-Help and Self-Education will continue to be areas where important items are added. We are finding ways to improve our lives more and more. Keep an eye out.