Self-Help and Self-Education

The excellent information exchange made possible by All Things Self-Help and Self-Education can have a big influence. for you as well as for others. There’s no doubt that you ought to study up on this. Due to its rarity, you will also wish to share this valuable knowledge with others.

Brainfood Academy: Provides “Direct To Your Home Education” for pupils in K–12 levels. And with the guarantee that when this incredible platform of the future grows, adult education will be incorporated. The needs of the future demand this kind of educational platform. Stop brainwashing and making poor choices in public education. Expert teachers can instruct pupils anywhere in the world. while taking pleasure in the flexibility to be anywhere at any moment. The course material is outstanding. Kindergarten is also free. Register Now to See What Education Will Look Like Down the Road:


EMF Protection: Throughout, these electromagnetic fields are present. Additionally, they never stop expanding in all directions. More wifi, smart meters, tower strength, and cellular services are available. The electric motors in automobiles and trucks, as well as the way we use computers, smartphones, and other electronics more and more frequently. Because of the influence of these frequencies, we are disintegrating. We need this solution, and everyone we know does, too. See the details and locations of the solutions by clicking this link:

Is College Worth It? A growing body of research indicates that attending college is a waste of time, money, and energy. It also results in a great deal of debt and negatively affects people’s finances. Repaying part of it will take several generations. In contrast to the concept of “Higher Education,” self-help and self-education have yielded far better results. Here are some facts for you and your children to see and hear, as well as a better option than college.

Everything. Important things will still be added to the All Things Self-Help and Self-Education sections. We are constantly looking for methods to make our lives better. Be alert.